Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Southern Fall

Some body pinch me it's 84 degrees today! This can't be real but yes it is ,the south is beautiful! Beepa and I are working hard on our gardens. I've moved 7-8 shrubs this week and gotten alot of the dirt into my new rock gardens at the front of the house. She has been clearing out more of the scrub brush behind her house and is saving the bees nest. She really wants to save them .

Aunt Elaine is coming back for a revisit before her coupons expire. Lucky us she chose NC again. I'll get more photos this weekend as we are hoping to visit a place up north called Grandfather Mountain. The colors are at peak. We'll see what they call peak here in the south. Hee Hee because we all know what peak really is after living in New England!!!

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